Recently, weighted blankets have been increasing in popularity and usage. Along with being incredibly comfortable, the benefits weighted blankets can provide include therapeutic purposes. This can help people with autism spectrum disorders and anxiety sufferers get better sleep. A weighed blanket can also be an ideal blanket for new moms struggling with baby blues as it offers deep-pressure stimulation or the feeling of being hugged.

Image by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels
For those who already own weighted gravity blankets, you may be wondering how to wash them or whether they require washing at all. Just like every other blanket type, they need to be cleaned regularly as they will only stay fresh for a few weeks.
This article will cover detailed instructions on how to wash weighted blankets.

Featuring Weavve’s Weighted Blanket
Weighted Blanket Washing Instructions
There exists a common misconception that washing your weighted blanket ruins it. In reality, as long as you avoid using bleach or a fabric softener, it will stay in good condition. If you feel like your blanket needs an upkeep, read on to find out how to wash a weighted blanket based on its material and filling type.

Image by Rachel Claire from Pexels
Firstly, check the care tag to ensure that it is indeed suitable for a washing machine. If the label says otherwise, refer to our section about how to hand wash a weighted blanket instead.
It is also imperative that if your gravity blanket weighs more than 20 pounds, you are better off using your laundromat since it is more load than what a typical home washing machine can handle.

Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
Before you begin this routine, make sure you have the following at hand:
- A washing machine
- Mild detergent
Next, you need to know what your gravity blanket is made of, as the cleaning process differs depending on the type of material you are dealing with.
Here is a list of common materials weighted ones are made of and their recommended blanket care instructions:
Fleece Weighted Blanket

Image by cottonbro from Pexels
In the case of fleece, use warm water to wash the blankets individually as it speeds up the detergent's chemical reaction. Cold water should be a second choice.
To remove any dirt from fleece blankets, soak them in the washing machine for 45 minutes before beginning the washing. Although fleece may go well with fabric softeners, it is recommended to use a mild detergent instead. Give it an additional wash before entering the rinse cycle to avoid fabric conditioner buildup.
Fleece can sometimes be dried in the dryer at a medium temperature, although air drying is recommended to avoid pilling.
Flannel Weighted Blanket

Image by Rachel Claire from Pexels
Flannel may be washed in warm or cool water, but not in hot water as it would cause the fabric to wear out faster. Spin dry at a medium temperature in a washing machine. But take care not to leave it in the dryer for too long.
Take it out of the dryer as soon as it has dried since putting flannel in a warm environment for far too long can stick the fibers into the material. In effect, this can reduce its lifespan.
Minky Weighted Blanket

Image by Klaudia Ekert from Pexels
Minky gravity blankets require less upkeep than they look. Despite how delicate they may appear, cleaning them is a breeze.
Simply wash it using unchlorinated detergent on a warm or cool low setting. Afterward, brush it lightly to remove any stains. With that, you are done.
However, it should be noted that because minky (or minkee) is a synthetic fabric, it cannot withstand hot water or high temperatures in the dryer.
Cotton Weighted Blanket

Image by cottonbro from Pexels
A cotton gravity blanket should be laundered alone in a cycle with cold water. A helpful tip would be to use a little vinegar (about half a cup) with your detergent to keep the colors of your cotton blanket intact.
Taking the necessary precautions when drying the weighted blanket will keep it in good, usable condition for a longer period of time. Line dry or hang it naturally for the best results. When line drying, make sure it hangs evenly so that the weight is distributed proportionally and it does not lose its shape. Consider draping the damp blanket over a chair or drying rack.

Featuring Weavve's Weighted Blanket Made of 100% Cotton Outer Fabric
Rayon-Linen Blend Weight Blanket
In the case of rayon-linen, it may be better to let your dry cleaner handle your blanket rather than stick it in the washing machine. This is because rayon has a tendency to shrink in wash cycles.
But if it has some other linen mix, such as linen-cotton or even polyester, you can launder it on a cold cycle and use mild bleach to remove the stains.

Image by Madison Inouye from Pexels
Silk Weighted Blanket
Silk gravity blankets are relatively uncommon because they are not generally made from organic materials. But if you have one, just as with rayon-linen, you should stick to dry-cleaning to avoid damage.
This is because silk has a tendency to shrink, lose color, and even warp if washed without care.

Image by Anna Maxelante from Pexels
How To Wash Weighted Blankets With Different Fillings
Aside from the outer fabric, the type of material stuffed inside should also be considered when giving your blanket a wash.
Glass Beads
Always use cold water. It is best to hand wash weighted blankets with glass beads using a gentle laundry detergent free of bleach or fabric softener.
Avoid using a detergent that contains bleach or fabric softener, as it can cause build-up in the material. This makes it feel scratchy or stiff. Additionally, avoid dryers as high temperatures can melt or damage the beads.

Featuring Weavve's Weighted Blanket Filled With Lead-Free Glass Beads
Sand/Dried Foods
Do not use any water (either washing machine or hand washing), as it will cause damage to the fillings. Instead, invest in a dry cleaning kit.
Simply place it in the dryer. Then, set it to medium heat and let it run for 20 mins. With that, the cleaning process is completed. If you are unsure about what to do and how to properly dry your weighted blanket, feel free to reach out to a dry cleaning service to help you wash it instead.

Image by Alex Andrews from Pexels
Avoid using a washing machine as the tossing and turning will cause the rocks to damage the shell of the fabric. Weighed blankets filled with rocks should always be hand-washed. After you have finished washing, be sure to thoroughly air dry it so as to prevent mold from forming on the rocks.
Hand Washing Your Weighted Blanket

Image by cottonbro from Pexels
However, if your weighted blanket’s care tag says you need to hand wash it, do not worry. Just follow our steps on how to wash glass bead weighted blankets by hand:
- Fill a large container (big enough for your blanket) with cool or tepid water. If you have a bathtub, fill it to around the halfway mark.
- Pour in some dechlorinated laundry detergent.
- Immerse the blanket in the water and allow 15 minutes for it to absorb the maximum amount of water while kneading it gently during the process.
- Lift it and empty the container to rinse it. Refill the container, this time with cold water, and press it through the gravity weighted blanket.
- Rinse again and again until all the detergent has been washed out.
Now that you know how to wash your gravity blanket, both by hand and by using a washing machine, you might be wondering about ways for drying weighted blankets.
Drying Your Weighted Blanket

Image by Adrienne Andersen from Pexels
How to dry a weighted blanket is all about the kind of material it is made of. Here, the care tag can again come in handy for any specific weighted blanket instructions.
As a basic rule, having the heat settings on low or medium while drying your gravity blanket is appropriate. You may also toss it in with a clean towel, and experiment with a tumble dry setting to plump it up a little.
But if you are more into letting it air-dry, you need to choose a well-ventilated area that allows you to dry it horizontally. This results in an equal distribution of your blanket’s weight, leading to more efficient drying.
Other Factors To Consider When Taking Care Of Your Weighted Blanket

Image by Designecologist from Pexels
Now that you know everything about how to wash and dry your weighed blanket, you are all set. However, there are still a few things left that you need to keep in mind while washing it.
If you are someone who wishes to maintain your bedding looking tidy, ironing your gravity blanket may have crossed your mind a few times. However, as tempting as it may be, you should not do that. Although the shell material may be safe to iron, you will still most likely ruin the filler inside the blanket should you choose to iron.
Lastly, can you wash weighted blankets that say spot cleaning only? Absolutely. Simply dilute a little stain remover in tepid water and scrape the spot with your fingers or using an old rag. Then let it dry overnight.
Explore Weavve’s Blanket Collection
Weighted Blanket

Featuring Weavve's Weighted Blanket
Our blanket consists of 100% polyester & lead-free glass bead filling, designed with smaller compartments for even weight distribution. Hypoallergenic and non-toxic with a breathable fabric, it sure can give you a good night’s sleep.
Shop weighted blanket Singapore
TENCEL™ Lyocell Duvet

Featuring Weavve’s TENCEL™ Lyocell Duvet
The secret behind our duvet giving maximum comfort and rest lies in the excellent thermoregulation properties of TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers. It is the first in Singapore featuring 100% pure TENCEL™ Lyocell in both its exterior fabric and inner filling, ensuring a high-quality material inside out.