
[Part 5/6] Staying Positive During CB: A Chat With Kevin & Huijun

[Part 5/6] Staying Positive During CB: A Chat With Kevin & Huijun

This is the 5th article in our series. Read our previous interview with Jim Ng (Part 4) and Dimple (Part 3). 

Parenting at any time is challenging but during an outbreak, things get exponentially harder. No grandparents to hold the baby while you take a breather, restrictions on social interactions, general mood of panic and even occasional diapers shortages all factor into a quickly changing landscape for new parents.

In this interview, we talked to newly minted parents Kevin and Huijun to find out how they are handling the changes and coping with the outbreak.

Weavve Home interview with Kevin and Huijun
"We now also have a new ‘boss’ to answer to 24/7."

We first met Kevin and Huijun at our product launch last year. They’re refreshingly honest and easy-going - the kind of people you want as lifelong friends. They have been married for three years and are parents to an adorable baby boy, Jared. Kevin works as a regional finance director in an international insurance broking company while Huijun is a communications consultant in an integrated marketing communications agency. 


Hi Kelvin and Huijun, can you tell us how a typical day is different now from before the outbreak?

We definitely spend less time at home before the circuit breaker: due to long working hours, eating out, spending time with family, friends and at church. With the CB measures, the both of us have to work from home - while we are missing a lot of human interaction, we are able to enjoy our home a lot more and have the opportunity to try out more eateries available in our community via our food delivery app. 

We now also have a new ‘boss’ to answer to 24/7. 

How are you coping with the outbreak? What are some challenges that you’re facing in a time like this?

K: Working from home means a lot more conference calls and sometimes working late into the night. I find that it is hard to put a distinction between work-life and non-work. 

HJ: I think for me it is the lack of face to face connection. As my post-natal confinement has been unintentionally extended, I’m unable to head out and we aren’t able to visit our families and friends who cannot wait to meet Jared. 

Can you tell us what has been 1 positive thing that you’ve noticed during this outbreak?

K: I would say with the CB measures in place,  one positive thing is that it has allowed me to bond with my family. This extra family time has been a good bonus, as being at home means I get to spend much more time with our baby. Even though I still have to work, I get to be more hands-on and support my wife throughout the day.

HJ: During what may feel like the most challenging of times, we’re seeing some of the best of humanity: the power of community. There are many ground-up initiatives to support the needy or acknowledge frontline workers; people who commit to delivering food and items efficiently and safely. While social distancing separates us physically, social media is serving as a bridge, a means of lifting each other up. People are also using their social accounts to highlight small businesses and how we can patronise them.

With the circuit breaker measures in place, many have to change the way they work and live. Can you share with us what are some positive new norms that you’ve developed during this period?

Being more intentional in connecting with our family and friends!  We are calling them more regularly to check-in on them and to let them know that we miss them. We are also finding creative ways to stay in touch - sending surprise food deliveries or organising zoom dinners (anyone?). Also, eating healthier meals and on-time since we’re home-bound now.

What else keeps you going in a tough time like now? Any advice to share with others on how to stay positive in this tough period?

We would say learn to be thankful in all circumstances – for good health, family and friends, having stable jobs and income, and being safe in Singapore. Having a community is also very important and technology has enabled us to stay connected. As we think about the days and weeks ahead, it’s more important than ever to preserve the idea of community, build quality relationships and don’t be afraid to reach out for help or stay in touch. 

As you have bought our sheets before please describe Weavve sheets in one sentence. 

Shiok! It gives off such a soothing effect even our son can feel the difference – crib-sized bed sheets, please!

Young family on Weavve Home Tencel Classic Set in Cloud

Featured in this photo is our TENCEL Classic Set in Cloud

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